Monday, September 14, 2009

Interruption of Kanye West

All right is it me or is Kanye West a pain? I think he is overrated and arrogant. His fame has gone to his head. His recent........interruption is prime example. How dare he interrupt Tyler Swift during her speech at the MTV VMA Awards Ceremony!

The question presented this morning by Showbiz Tonight was "Should Kanye apologize to Tyler?" Um, YES! He had absolutely NO RIGHT to interrupt her speech. I personally feel that he is arrogant (always has been, never liked him). He is no better than anyone else and he was totally out of line. Shame on him. Grow up!

In recent news, Senator Joe Wilson yelled at Obama "YOU LIE!" He was made to apologize. He apologized. Okay. Now is he being made to apologize again in front of the House and possibly is facing at a fine. I do not think that is right. He already apologized. Now a second apology and a fine? Please. You can't tell me that with all the people in the United States that not one person has not said something to condemn/disagree with the "man in charge". Are we to be fined and made to apologize (twice) too? No. What happened to freedom of speech? What happened to we, the people, who voted him in office? He was voted in to speak for us. Are they saying that he is not allowed to give his opinion and he has to apologize for it? Apparently. I should not think so, but obviously we are not "truly" allowed to say what we think unless it is what the government wants us to. This is wrong! Hmmmmm.........are we really as free as we think we are? I do not think so. We will save that for another day.

Friday, September 11, 2009

"American Idol"

Now I don't know how to feel, well, kind of. This morning they announced that Paula Abdul is leaving "American Idol" and is being replaced with Ellen Degeneres. To me an interesting choice but like I said in the beginning, not sure how I feel. She's funny and all, but a judge for a music competition? Sure she understands the stress and lifestyle of entertainment, but is she truly qualified enough to be a music judge? If they had to get rid of anyone (I understand Paula quit--sadly enough) they need to get rid of Kara. I think her opinions are pointless and she's an idiot. Really pay attention to what she says, ESPECIALLY when she follows someone else in commenting! She basically mimics everything they say. It's like she doesn't have a mind of her own. They need to get rid of her.

Anyway, it will be interesting in having Ellen on the show. No matter how I feel, good luck Ellen. Don't take Simon's crap! Paula, good luck in your endeavors!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Giving up passwords

This morning I heard that there is a Christian private school that is requesting that the students are required to give them their myspace and facebook passwords. They want to know what the students are doing outside of school hours. Apparently a student of this school got on his site and was bragging that he had gotten drunk. (He was not in school at the time) The school found out and now wants all the students to turn over all their information.

The parents were told that they had to make their children turn over the information or they could remove their children from the school. Excuse me, but I thought that passwords were the privacy of the holder. Why would the school need the password? The school can still check on their students without it. Isn't it the responsibility of the parents to monitor what the child does after school? Why is the school concerned about it?

My question is this. Do the adults, i.e. teachers, administrators, etc. ever have a drink? Are they perfect? Maybe they should have their jobs and we should monitor them like they are monitoring their students. We can not do that, however, because that would be invading their rights. What about the rights of the children? They are people too. Do they not deserve the same respect?

I do believe that if a child does show signs of trouble or gives off questionable behavior then we should step in. Until then what has happened to trusting the person until they give you reason to not trust them. If we keep on placing all these rules on kids (adults included...mmm, hmmm, gov't.!!!) they are going to fight against you harder. You set boundaries, break it, then yes, there is discipline.

I do not think that the school should have the right to the passwords of the students. The student did not threaten anyone, he/she did not hurt anyone, what harm was done? How do they even know if it was the truth?

Schools go overboard today. Don't give out the passwords. Pull your kids out of the school. The parents and students need to take a stand. FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS!